Jumbo Crossing...

We all come through the news or even some would have witnessed the incidents such as Elephants have trespassed residential areas or destroyed lands or agricultural areas or even killed human 
Have we ever thought what would be reason for these acts by these giant mammals?  
I would like to share some information which I learnt in forest and some other research done through internet with you, which some would be even aware of. 
According to many naturalists, elephant are the most innocent and intelligent animals in nature. They never harm others unless and until they are disturbed by their routine works. A research was conducted to know the reason behind the Elephants entering villages and nearby farms. The result of the study gave a shocking conclusion about the reaction of elephants. 
It's said, Elephants have the best memorizing power. As per the act of Nature, animals can sense any adverse calamities which is going to happen before itself and elephants are one among the best. They leave the place and move to a more safer place when there are any such calamities. And while going they just memorize each and every thing on their way so clearly.  
They only tend to return to their homeland once they get confident that the things are safe there and for that it takes nearly 8-10 years or sometimes more. But while returning the things would have got different. Through the route which they travel back are the same from which they came. But during this period if time many things would have changed only and only because of human. There would be some new establishments. The jungles wound have turned to concrete jungles. Some may be agriculture lands, and even there would have been railways. How many incidents we would have read in news papers about elephants run over by trains? These all are only the act of human who keeps on manipulating the nature only for his needs. Atlast destruction is the only nature of humans.  
How can be these innocent animals alone be blamed 
After these studies there have been a special corridor created for the elephants in many of the national parks. The forest department is taking initiative for the same. Even if you visit any National park, there would be sign boards on roads and near by showing only the elephant face. That means these corridors are only for elephants and we should not halt there for much time or even if we see any movements of these jumbos, we should move back as its their corridor and we are not supposed to trespass there. 
Love nature as it is, without disturbing it. It will love you back. 

Source: Mr. Milind Kodkany & Discovery Channel. 


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