Wrapped Around My Wrist

Some txted and inquired me, about the reason for delay in my blogs, I got to know from them that many were reading my blogs.I was wondering what should be my next blog on resting my head on ma hand. I checked for the time, it was 5p.m., on my mobile by removing it from my pocket. Later I realised I had wore a wrist watch and could have easily saw it.
This was not for the first time, and thought I was not the only person who would have done so. In this century we depend upon our phone for many of the things and would keep it with us 24*7 then checking time is obvious. Then why do we wear a wrist watch? Do we really require one?
From childhood I had a craze for watches, and trust me I had never bought one with my money, every single watch in my collection is gifted by someone. And that gives me a thousand of memories.
We all would have got that craze of collecting. My first watch was a digital one gifted by my dad which had time, date, alarm with a special feature of light. So I went to some dark places specially to try its light. And like many did, even I had covered my watch with all my tiny fingers and watched the light with one eye between the fingers. The same was the procedure for watching time on my friends watch which had radium and calculator in it.
Then when I grew young, my grandfather gifted his old HMT watch which worked while we gave keys. That was close to my heart and was sentimental for me. Then few other Casio watches which were gifted by uncles abroad.
Then came the generation of Fast track, which attracted every college going students and each with a special design that made us to own one. My brother came for my rescue gifting one for me so that even his brother can shine amongst. Seriously it was during my board exams I realized the value of time.
Presently I have an awesome time machine with blue dial gifted by my ex-girlfriend. And I could know the value of its only when we parted away.
Even though we have much mediums to check time, watches' are a part of brand which we wear each day. Many of my friends have stopped wearing it as they consider there's no use of wearing watch separately when they carry mobile phones with them all the time.
But for me wristwatches are a good storytellers. Because each time I check the time, I see the memories filled within...


  1. Ada ada ada... Enthaa ninte blog varathe nnu paranj irikyayirunu..
    Nice one machu..:-)

    Even I also seeing the time only in watches.. Not in mobile phones..!!


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