Plz Express..,

Imagine you are in a meeting in a jam pack conference with high profile people and you to pee and your bladder is so full you have crossed the level of control. All the thing you do is take an excuse for the natures call. Think you forget to express this feel with yourself, you would have got yourself insulted. As you don’t lie to your feelings with you even with the nature, then why you feel reluctant to express your feeling to the things you really want to get in life?

Let us start from basic things that we come across in our day to day life. Getting toffees in place of change when we pay the bill at supermarket. Many a times we would have thought of asking our exact change but would have hesitated to do so because of a single thought what will other people think about us? This is a simple example of failure of expression. We know what we want but most of the times it won't come out of our tongue even though it t would have come till our throat.

I aimed for diamond and I got a pebble, to work out with a pebble is adjustment but to strive for the diamond is expression. Without expressing what you need no one is going to understand what you are. Even a bird stops feeding its nestlings when they express themselves to fly. People would credit you as a very adjustable person but you are the only one who will regret for failing to express your needs.

Even in life or love, you would have regretted most of the things only because you didn't express your feelings correctly. At some times you would have really got balls to  expressed your feelings but on the wrong person at a very wrong time that would have led you to failure. You should neither loose hope nor try to adjust with what you get. Convert all these negatives into more positive energy, express yourself to others, you will definitely get what is written for you

People may come and convince you to adjust, but if you fail to express then you have no right to regret for what you didn't get.


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