
Showing posts from September, 2017

Happy or Sad!!!...

You have an egg, which you had planned to boil. But when you took it out of refrigerator you found out it was broken. Will you be sad that you couldn't eat a boiled egg or will you be happy that you can even make scrambled out of it. It was not your choice, but its your chance that you had something.  We come across plenty of situations where we had thought of something but results may be something else. There are plenty of Inventions in the history which were accidental. That doesn't means the scientists were sad they couldn't invent what they wanted but they were happy they did something better.  Everything happens for a reason. If someone keeps saying he is sad in a tough time, he should be happy he is still alive.  Getting up from sleep is happiness that you are alive.  Getting food to eat is happiness still many dont have it. Getting good people around is happiness. If you think you are sad, think there is something else which makes yo...

Silence Please!!!...

There is a peace in silence.  Silence gives you joy. Silence brings you sorrow.  Silence makes you an artist. Silence gives you music.  Silence gives you good memories of loved ones, it even makes you notorious.  Silence is a solution to many problems. Silence is a problem in few situations.  Silence is love, its divine.  Silence is a yoga & Silence is a Karma.  Silence is not permanent, it's only a temporary situation.  Silence is a change and it's a chance to stop, energize and act.

It’s ok to say No!!!

The frequency of my blogs have decreased terribly that at a point of time I had forgot that I used to write. Yes, indeed I was not a good writer, still I’m No t but seriously used to try something to bring up as a blog. Thanks to Sarahah’s anonymous message, that someone had asked me to continue and that’s how I have come up with this one. Hope you will enjoy reading. Yes as I have subjected it’s better to say No sometimes. May be this could also be a reason I had focused on other activities and I ended up without blog posts. We keep ourselves busy with lot of things, we have too many apps in our Smartphone where we have same friends we see same posts but in different apps. For an example even when I post a picture on Instagram, I do share it on Facebook and Twitter. Simultaneously I keep myself busy looking at number of likes and comments for the next few days. I was searching for a location pin in Whatsapp and ended up having a long conversation with some other guy for no re...