Happy or Sad!!!...

You have an egg, which you had planned to boil. But when you took it out of refrigerator you found out it was broken. Will you be sad that you couldn't eat a boiled egg or will you be happy that you can even make scrambled out of it.

It was not your choice, but its your chance that you had something. 

We come across plenty of situations where we had thought of something but results may be something else. There are plenty of Inventions in the history which were accidental. That doesn't means the scientists were sad they couldn't invent what they wanted but they were happy they did something better. 

Everything happens for a reason. If someone keeps saying he is sad in a tough time, he should be happy he is still alive. 

Getting up from sleep is happiness that you are alive. 
Getting food to eat is happiness still many dont have it.
Getting good people around is happiness.

If you think you are sad, think there is something else which makes you happy.


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