It’s ok to say No!!!

The frequency of my blogs have decreased terribly that at a point of time I had forgot that I used to write. Yes, indeed I was not a good writer, still I’m Not but seriously used to try something to bring up as a blog. Thanks to Sarahah’s anonymous message, that someone had asked me to continue and that’s how I have come up with this one. Hope you will enjoy reading.
Yes as I have subjected it’s better to say No sometimes. May be this could also be a reason I had focused on other activities and I ended up without blog posts.
We keep ourselves busy with lot of things, we have too many apps in our Smartphone where we have same friends we see same posts but in different apps. For an example even when I post a picture on Instagram, I do share it on Facebook and Twitter. Simultaneously I keep myself busy looking at number of likes and comments for the next few days.
I was searching for a location pin in Whatsapp and ended up having a long conversation with some other guy for no reasons asking him about his tweet in his Twitter page. After few hours I realized I had been on Whatsapp to search for a location pin.
I believe I’m not the only one having this problem and I firmly believe all this happen because we don’t focus on what we aim for.
I was having a similar situation in one of my previous company when I used to say Yes to many assignments without analyzing the time and priorities. At the end of the day I used to keep lot of works half done. I could not focus and complete A, to focus on B, when I started working on B, I found something important that can be used for C, and It went on.
One day I decided and from then whenever a new assignment came I started saying No, and patiently after doing a healthy research, I could estimate to do or not to do. Because if you say Yes and couldn’t complete then believe me you have dug your own grave. But if you would say No, and later try you will lose nothing.
Similarly, there is no harm to decline a call and call them back whenever both are free. There is no harm ignoring your friend for tea and later meeting them for a dinner. There is no harm to say No, and coming back again and saying Yes when you are ready.  Yes will tempt you and give you a temporary pleasure, but No will give you chance to think but a permanent happiness to achieve your goals. Next time you are upto decide something, be free and say No you can decide by analyzing its priorities. Also, next time if your crush says No, be confident she may say Yes.
I wish to conclude without boring you much. Ultimately you need to focus on One at a time that will help you with good results and also help you to aim further. Next time when you browse for something, be focused so that you get what you wanted.
And I will share this on Whatsapp and Facebook. Say No to Facebook feed if you have already opened on Whatsapp and vice versa.


  1. Haha! This is nice one...Just felt like myself !!
    Enjoyed reading ��


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