The Wait!!!

There would be numerous occasions and for various reasons you would have waited for people in your tough and valuable time. The numero uno motto of your wait would be a positive result. Possibilities varies but our wait matters and one can never justify the loss during the wait. 
And for better results you would always be there on the venue well before the schedule, to be sure you are not a reason for delay.
A wait is a step for new beginnings and an expectation for betterment. Its an experiment for some change and sometimes answers for your questions.
A wait also involves with the time for it. In every action there can be an unspecified reason but always should have a specified time or else there would be no value for our struggles. 
The incidents for which would also be interesting and thinking about it would be more mesmerizing.
A known person of mine told me he spends an hour each day only to wait for his friend outside his home who had promised to turn up in five minutes. This neither had a specific reason nor a specific time. Similarity from our young days we would have b come across plenty of reasons to wait. 
We would have waited for exams to get over and spend vacation, then for the school to reopen and move to higher grade, and then to college, good job, so on. Some would have proposed their love and waited for a fair reply and some would wait to meet the other after long time. We often wait for weekends, birthdays, even for someone to get married. 
And finally we wait for every new year to come in a hope that this year would be new and something special. 
Waiting is always a choice, but it should never turn to be a habit...

Wishing you a Happy New Year. Finally the wait is over....


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