A girl with blonde hair!!!

Characters are always defined with their identification and repeated representation. A short or bald guy in our close circuit is always referred with his looks  which tends us to forget his real name and when we meet them after long time, we end up calling up with their nick names or the one by which we are used to. This is our nature which has come up with repeated representation of someone, that would be difficult to change. 
What is the sin of the man who is short in height and the girl whose hair are brown?
I don't like a song, but it didn't mean all disliked it. So wherever it was, whether a FM radio or a saloon it kept playing and unintentionally I had grasped it and after a certain extent I started humming them. Repeated representation. It manipulates our brain to make us believe the one which had never happened nor existed. 
Best story tellers would make you a part of their story, before you realise it was a fantasy. 
The title didn't have anything to do with what I have written, but it would have reminded the girl with blonde hair you personally know. The girl with  brown eyes and brown hair I know. 
Repeated representation.


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