Forgive, the easiest thing you can do!

Why do we break-up if our love was true? And what would you do when you meet or speak to him/her after years?
Every Love story won’t have a happy ending, and most of the people have failed in their first love.
Everything will be fine everywhere, you think until a small fight breaks up. The reason may be a silly but you will take it to your heart as you are busy justifying that you are correct and  he/she is wrong. The Chain called trust starts rusting from here even though it is highly galvanised with your love. You only need to keep cleaning and oiling the chain, but you hardly care, you would start thinking, ‘the other person had done mistake, let him/her come first and ask sorry!’
The story would continue. This is not the only reason. There may be, some other reason for the continuous hatred but the first mistake would always come first. The fight would continue, this time it may be bigger. One single step you take to forgive, one single step you take to understand your loosing love can bring back the life you lived with him/her back. Even though knowing this, you deny. The hatred thus continues.
Its your mistake you dint stop him/her from going from you, equally its his/her mistake that thy dint try to understand what was the route cause of the problem.
You loose it finally. You loose the battle of the beautiful part of life called love. He/she has left you without letting you the reason. Days of sadness and depression has even knocked your doors now without your call and you need to accept this uninvited guest without your interest.
Days pass, so do year. You are now confident about life and gave started securing your life with or without your interest. You have started living for you,your family and the so called friends who love you for being yourself. In some corner of your heart the lamp of love someone had lit it some years back is still burning. You neglect it and regret for those days.
On a particular day you are meeting or contacting him/her for some reasons. You see thy moved on and is happy now with someone else,or might have got married. The person talks to you from thu own. Something triggers your mind and that moment decides the impact of sorrow the person has given to you. You are chill, very much chill and take the situation much sportively. As you have seen him/her happy and moved on, why do you sit back. Its time to prove you âre much happy and also moved now. You greet them kindly and talk to them positively to make them realise that much things have changed in your life too. That attitude will gain you much respect to you. This will also bring guilty to the opposite person. You should never be proud about that as the person is the you are hurting is the person who whom who considered life once.
You should forgive the one as even it was your mistake you dint try to stop the person when he/she was leaving you. The reason may be any for which he/she has left you, never try to find whatever it may be, because some questions in life are better when they are left without answered.
Finally a line from a favourite writer I follow, 'One day the person that didn't believe in you, will tell everyone how they actually met you!


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