
Godhadi- Traditional Quilts is normally made of waste clothes stuffed together inside old sarees. This tradition is mainly practiced in the states of Goa & Maharashtra. I’m writing this as I read in Gulfnews last week, that many of the organizations are conducting workshops in Mumbai to teach women how to patchwork a Godhadi. It came to me as a surprise and sounded funny to me as it’s a  common practice in Maharashtra and everyone can make it easily. But when I googled it I got to know many women are practicing it for lively hood as partime jobs. Women Empowerment J

Even though my parents are from south, being settled in Maharashtra, my Mum is too aware of the patchworks because of our good neighbors. When I was child even I had helped my mum in making it. It was not a rocket science to make it. An advantage of making it at our home was my mum used to use even my father’s old Dhotis and Lungies. Even the owners of the Cotton factories in Tiruppur would never had imagined that their Lungis would be used for Godhadi purpose.

While coming to UAE, I had thought of packing my favorite Godhadi with me but later on I left is back as I thought it would not be so cold here. But would definitely carry next time as its not only a blanket to cover up the cold, but each of it’s filled with Emotions & sentiments.

Note: Do not confuse Godhadi with godaddy.com  


  1. Yup true.
    Now 'Godhadi' is being exported to Germany, Japan....
    It's becoming global now...

  2. Yup true.
    Now 'Godhadi' is being exported to Germany, Japan....
    It's becoming global now...

  3. And now you can purchase these beautiful Marathi Godhadis on www.motherquilts.com


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