Distancing Socially!!!

When I think of childhood days, the first thing that comes to my mind is school prayers and assembly. We all lined up paralleled, keeping a hand distance, well disciplined, with pin drop silence and with only eye contact.

Secondly, the indoor games we played with group of friends. Specifically, during the rains or summer afternoon, we were advised not to get out of house, so we played games like Ludo, Snakes & Ladders, Chess, Trumps, Business, etc. Even we cared about cleanliness after returning to the home from outdoor.

And while completing the school we exchanged the slam books with our friends. Where we wrote how well we knew them and the memories we shared.

Wonderful days wasn't it. We all wished life could have stopped there. We all wished to return to our childhood days which we spent being so disciplined!!!

This Pandemic has brought the child within us out. We are getting back to a healthy and disciplined life. We are staying connected with friends even though if they are not near. Games which we played indoors are now been played online. Many even post slam books on social media.

While we are following social distancing, we are still well connected through social networks.
This bothering situation will too change for the betterment of all. 

Let’s be safe. Let’s be positive!!!


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