
The fear in you is normal!
It starts in you from your childhood days, when your mom told you about demons taking you away when you troubled to eat food.
The fear of failure when you didn't study well for your exams. The fear of rejection in a job interview. The fear of performance for your appraisals.
The fear of 'No' when you propose to your crush and the fear of saying 'Yes' when you were not ready.
Growing up with the fear, your fear grows up too. Some fade away when you correctly know how to tackle them, but some stays haunted for a longer time.
Fact is that the world runs with this fear and your fear is a way of making money for many.
Best will come to you when you analyze your fear time to time, simply like maintenance check for your vehicle. Being disciplined and determined makes you strong.
The recent spread of Corona Virus has erupted a new fear all over the world. We have started to keep every next step with fear. We have started becoming over-cautious or getting unnecessarily worried.
Also started seeing our friends or near ones, whom we see daily with fear while they sneeze. Public places are shut, many social gatherings have been called off - only because of this new fear.
It's easy to break this fear when we fight together.
Let's maintain proper hygiene for ourselves and the others around us.
This too will fade away!!!


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