Strangers in the House!!!

A man and a woman dated, loved and got married. For them everything seemed to be falling in place when they started their new life of togetherness.

They wandered romantically. Spent exotic life. They just flew like free birds.

But every bird has to make a nest to rest and settle down. They both too moved into their new nest, thinking of a happy life ahead. One thing they forgot to realize that soon they were going to be the strangers in their own house.

They left no stone unturned to impress each other. Some issues were serious but were ignored for the sake of love. But all the ignored nasty stuffs came as a debating points for the young confused people.

Where did it all start from? Both did have different ideas of life. As they grew up in different culture it was the first barrier. Then came the family and then the person themselves.

It's really hard to move in with someone whom you don't know completely. Its even harder to adjust with the habits which you are never used to. And also terrible to give up the practices you always followed.

To be frank, marriages are never adjustments. Its completely adaptation. Adapting the things you really wish to and ignore the one you don't. Agreed about the practices you have but you cannot deny the interest of your partner.

For instance, you can be a good driver but that doesn't mean you force your photographer partner for a crazy drive. Unless you drive through scenic side and halt on the way to let your partner click photographs.

Imagine you and your partner are standing on each side of the bridge. Its wrong to go all the way to other side of the bridge to meet your partner. And also wrong to stand stubborn and wait for your partner to come to your side. Its always better you walk half way and your partner walks the other to meet you in the center of the bridge.

Understanding that you need to move from your place to reach the midpoint for someone who has also moved for you is Adaptation. Thats why it's only not adjustment.

The love and respect you give for what you get. If you didn't realize this, then you are strangers in your own house.


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