Will You be My Valentine??

'Will You be my Valentine?'  Toughest Question Ever set in Life.

The person asking it would be eager to know his/her 'YES!' More concern than this exam results.

The person who has been asked would be of different minds.. Awaiting, Confused, Pissed, No, He's ma frnd, I need to ask my parents, What wil people say, blah blah blah....

Thinking about others is full of stupidity. From Chetan Bhagat's Two states, “Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy. Girl’s family has to love boy. Boy’s family has to love girl. Girl’s Family has to love Boy’s Family. Boy’s family has to love girl’s family. Girl and Boy still love each other. They get married.”
Think what you need. Do what comes in your mind.

Love is a beautiful feeling when it happens to you. Never miss a person for others, as you are the one to decide. If you really love, throw out. Show them the real you, the love for them.

The next time if someone asks, 'Will you be my Valentine!', Relax & do what your heart says!


  1. Do wt ur mind says bt again next process is mandatory
    Boy's family has to luv girl......

  2. Don't do what ur mind says ..
    Do what ur heart says :)

  3. make a choice and justify it


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