Good Old Friends!!!!

Sitting idle for sometime,we think of many things. Many a times we think about our gud old friends, who actually we would have stopped remembered. Reasons may be any but we still think about them and remember them for many of the incidents which are still memorable.
Even though we don't think about them daily, they stay in our heart in some of the corners, similar to their name in our messenger or WhatsApp. Scroll down your recent chat you will find their name and that wont be very recent anymore. I lastly checked the person's name and last chat with them was nearly two years ago.
Our brain is programmed in such a way that brings up the recent and active things instantly to us. But the thought about these old friends is signalled by the heart because even thought we forget them or fail to remember them daily, they reside in the deepest corners so they pop up instantly when we think about them.
Dedicated to all good old friends of mine, where my name lies in the last  in their chat box.


  1. Ha..ha.. nice and true... :-)

  2. Ha..ha.. nice and true... :-)

  3. I always remember my old friends .they r my family . I don't call new friends . They r just known people .

  4. Very true....
    Today is the day, we are gathering again all old frenz


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