One Moment which I Cherish !!

'Which is the moments you cherish the most?'
Ask this question to anyone, the maximum number of answer you get will be of his/her childhood. Seriously it was the best time of the life spent. Anything learnt or did at that age would be remembered to your life till the end. What about the birthday parties? Everyone would have celebrated atleast one birthday when he was child.
Last week I was invited for a birthday party by my neighbour of his1 year old son. He had organized it in the society hall inviting many members of our residential society. I too went there with gift to the child, not only because we were neighbour but also because i never missed birthday cakes.
Normally our society is filled with lots of kids, who could be seen playing, running, shouting and doing all sorts of mischiefs which I would have done in that age. I went near the place of the celebration. I saw all the children running here and there. Obviously it was a kiddy birthday party, so there would be lot of kids there. All the children were given part hats and were looking so cute wearing them.
All the children had come near the cake when it was announced that it was the time for cake cutting. I looked at them. Like the magnet attracts the scattered metal particles, children running over there had assembled near the cake. All were just glued to it waiting for it to get cut and eat. With the children even my eyes were focused on the cake. I remembered about my childhood at that moment. When my friends used to come home for my birthday. Even when I used to go to my friends house for their birthday party, I used to wait with Monu, Chotu and Chintu just for the cake to be cut and served.
Only at that age I remember that cake was decently cut and ate. I still cherish those moments.


  1. Very nice childhood days... missing it so much... nice blog da..:-)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. That days never ever forgettable........missing my childhood days πŸ‘Ά

  4. Nicely articulated the childhood memories!!
    Super ShriπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


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